E-Commerce Website
It’s introducing your business manners & choice so therefore, we design the website a gorgeous interface with customisable functionalities which make this phenomenal & incredibly fast.
Product Presentation
- The majority of your product’s sales are determined by its presentation. We will create an excellent interface with a suitable product information interface that will promote your product as beneficial & appealing to your customers.
- Standard product box
- In-detailed product page
- Product image gallery
- Product video presentation
- Wishlist option
- Add to cart option
- Related product suggestion
- More product suggestion
- Product reviews
- Shipping information
- Social media sharing
- Warranty policy
- Chatting with admin
Customer Profile
Your customers may manage their accounts, check their purchase history, wishlist, wallet balance, and recently viewed products via customer dashboard. An eCommerce system’s customer profile is a key component that keeps your traffic burden on your website.
- Customer Login with Facebook
- Customer Login with Twitter
- Customer Login with Google
- Sidebar with menu instruction
- Wallet summary (wallet balance,Last recharge, recharge wallet)
- Cart summary
- Wishlist summary
- Product order summary
- Recently purchase history
- Default Shipping address
- Shipping address add option
- Recently viewed products
Dynamic Offers
Nowadays Offers are the another best way to grab a bunch of customers at a time for the eCommerce industry. So we settled a complete dynamic process for creating offers by setting up the limited timeline with outstanding user interface
- Admin created full width offer banner
- Flash Sale time clock
- Offered product list
- Admin created all offers listing
- Anchor to each offer description page
And Much more with Origami Solutions